Article archive
18/03/2009 09:18
Please participate in this survey developed by Mark Madsen
28/02/2009 12:03
It's not even on the MonetDB website, but the new February 2009 release has been uploaded to the MonetDB download area. The good news: native installers for Debian and Ubuntu added, both 32 and 64 bit. Other good news: you can run a SF100 (100 GB) TPC-H database on a regular PC. Don't expect magic...
08/02/2009 12:37
The economic downturn is causing an increasing interest in using open source (OS) solutions for BI. One of my previous blogposts already raised the issue of the missing pieces in open source analytical databases, but nevertheless more and more companies are using OS databases for data warehouse...
02/02/2009 09:27
My Open Source BI book titled 'Low Cost, High Value?' with subtitle 'Open Source oplossingen voor Business Intelligence' arrived last weekend. If you're interested in ordering a copy, please visit the Array site
26/01/2009 01:24
BBC News reports on Scott McNealy from Sun who claims that ´The secret to a more secure and cost effective government is through open source technologies and products´. Well, that´s hardly a surprise. What is though is the fact that BBC is picking this up. To read the full article click here
15/01/2009 20:53
2009 will be a turning point for the so called 'business analytics' market. While ETL, reporting and OLAP have become more of a commodity and merely belong to the basic set of tools needed for doing business, organizations can still beat the competition with the smart use of advanced analytics. Now...
11/01/2009 11:02
An amazing thing happened recently: a vendor directly confronting Gartner Group, which ultimately resulted in a lively and very open discussion between Gartner Groups Andreas Bitterer and Talends Yves de Montcheuil with contributions of independent analyst Mark Madsen, Sagecircle analyst and...
02/12/2008 17:30
During November and December 2008, individuals are invited to organize and attend Eclipse DemoCamps around the world. The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to showcase all of the cool interesting technology being built by the Eclipse community. They are also an opportunity for you to meet...
27/11/2008 11:40
Yesterday the new Dutch BI Platform went live. The BI Platform is an integrated portal and delivers all BI and DWH related news, articles, tools, insights and events. You can find Jos van Dongen as one of the regular contributors to the platform with his own blog. For details check out the BI...
07/11/2008 11:52
Over the last few months several announcements have been made by different vendors having blended open source BI solutions with high speed analytical databases. Though this might seem good news at first, it also shows something else. Why would companies like Jaspersoft and Pentaho join forces with...